About Us
It’s Nice to Meet You!
Everything we believe and do as a church flows out of a fundamental conviction that the Bible is the true and unchanging Word of God. It is our ultimate authority for all of life. As the Church throughout the centuries has embraced this foundational principle, we continue this stand today. But more than just hold to mere head knowledge, we seek to apply it, with God’s help, to who we are as a congregation. We firmly hold to and boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ as the life-changing message that all people must accept by turning from their sins and trusting in Christ alone to provide forgiveness and eternal life.
So what does that word mean? What makes us unique? Is this where you could belong? Read this brief letter from our pastor answering these questions and more.
As Presbyterians we have both Elders and Deacons. But we also have many other areas of service that are needed as well. These individuals are the ones who serve in their varying ways, so that we as a Church may purse the Great Commission and Great Commandment.
What do we mean by worship and what does it look like here at First Presbyterian?